Wednesday, 28 April 2010

I've cheated on my job

If it wasn't for yesterday, I would be working right now. At a wine shop in Surrey. I would probably be bored out of my mind waiting for a customer to come in (Surrey is not exactly Oxford Street, you know) and would be looking at the bottles, maybe giving them a clean whilst yawning a bit and thinking why didn't I wash my hair this morning - it looks awful. But that didn't happen - because I've cheated on my new job yesterday.
Another company had sent me an e-mail ages ago asking to meet me for an interview Tuesday the 27th at 3:15 pm. They were very specific about the time and date, as they had too many candidates to see in such little time. I almost said "Sod this. I'm not going to get it, why bother?" but decided to, just one day before my new job was supposed to start, that I was going to go for the interview.
It was a bit hard to get there and I would have to pay a black cab (ridiculously expensive) and I almost gave up again on going if my husband didn't kindly mention that I was so "bloody lazy and cheap". So I went.
I wasn't enthusiastic at the interview. I was cold and confident, borderline arrogant. It was still on my mind "I'm not getting this job anyways, and I'm starting another one tomorrow" - perhaps just to protect myself. 
They would ask questions like "How do you feel about getting to know a complete different wine list from your previous jobs?" I answered "Any new job will have a new and different wine list. It has happened before." (And I immediately thought "mmm...that was pretty bitchy"). And when they asked "How do you feel about deadlines?" I simply answered " I used to be a lawyer" and smiled with my mouth closed.
So I left the interview thinking "That was pretty rubbish. Oh well." and one hour later I get a beep from my Blackberry. New e-mail. It was from the interviewers. They said that they really wanted me to join their team. That a snap decision such as that one was unprecedented but they knew I had another job offer (I failed to mention that I had already accepted it though) and they didn't want to lose me for them. They said I was perfect for the role and they did not need to look further. Basically that I'm the one.(smile with mouth open)
I could feel my ego inflating. I felt fantastic. 
I told my husband and mother-in-law who told me I should go to my job starting tomorrow (meaning today) anyways, because they - the new company, a wine importer- hadn't made a formal, proper offer yet. 
No I will not, thankyouverymuch. I will enjoy some extra carefree-self indulging days because I had an offer. And they were desperate for me, they really, really loved me! (shining-teeth grin)

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